Social Media.

Social media has taken an important role in our society, people communicate through a text, a picture or just a nice happy face send though internet. But this has a positive and a negative aspect, How do you feel about this? Do you feel identified? What can we do to solve this situation?
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30 Response to "Social Media."

  1. quien says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:21

    I don´t use social media but i think that move the people of the others persons but reduce distance of the others persons

    -Martin Diaz Guaman-

  2. PandoraHwang says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:26

    I believe this social media has a positive and negative aspect, you move close to distant relative but you are far to family, also you have one thousand friends in social media you talk with twenty and know five in the real life.
    I think that can change this situation leaving the technology and how to see around.

    Dania Vega
    N°List: 26

  3. pauli villalobos:) says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:27

    I think social media are important in our society because people can communicate easier and faster, but this has a negative aspect because people can't talk face to face with there family and friend, only talk with them through smartphones. People lost the custom to talk face to face or look people to the eyes. I think we can't solve this situation because all people around the world do this. This situation is the result of the evolution of technology.
    I feel identified because i spend so much time in my cellphone.
    'Look more to the eyes'

    Paulina Villalobos

  4. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:28

    I am not identified with this video, because i take every minute with my family and friends, although i connect at night and i know, i can solve this giving time to connect and a longer time to see around us.

    Name: Nicole Alcayaga Cortés
    N° de lista: 1

  5. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:29

    Well, i think that these social media is very important at present, the society today is dependent of this. And don't know living of other form.
    Yes, i feel identified because neither can live without this. And each time i see my friends less.

    All this can solve with so lone let a little of side the device technological.

    María Contreras
    N° List: 5

  6. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:31

    I think be against but being a liar because every time i use different media social .when i'm connected i miss memorable moments for that but i'm confused now but select or support or in aganinst but if i have to but select one select be in against because prefer be with my family but wiht phone or ipad.

    Nombre:Cecilia Bravo
    Curso:2° Medio
    N° de Lista:29

  7. KataaIgnaciaa says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:31

    I believe that indeed I feel identified, not totally but if a part, because we live in a world where already nobody speaks between if and we are stopping reporting to us with the demas you present. The way mas easy to solve this is to leave of side these devices that do not leave us to unroll ourselves in our daily life surrounded with people who surrounds us.

    katalina trujillo 24

  8. KataaIgnaciaa says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:32
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  9. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:32

    I feel rigth, because people like this, my partners and young people like this, is something very usual. I don't feel identify, not be clining social media and I can live without that. We can do to solve this situation open eyes to world and leave need the social media.

    Name: Valentina Peralta.
    N°list: 17.
    Grade: 2°MEDIO.

  10. primaryschool says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:32

    I me feel disappointed from living in be society, because each time the technology is more important than the family. personally no me feel identifiet because not me like many the technology.
    we do to solve this situation found one project that named "A day without technology".

    Name: Francisca Millao Toro
    N: 12

  11. KataaIgnaciaa says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:33

    I feel about seeing this sad video because it's true that now we do not explore the world people work cell, communicate with others through the internet, toddlers living the life of technology and do not live a life of children like to play ball, swings ...
    I feel very identified because I just communicate online with family and friends, I can have many friends via internet but the truth is I talk to very few, and left many activities to be connected or me speak and not fish, I also do work and the sack of internet information which does not help me to have a deeper understanding of the topic.
    we can do is turn off the phone and computer and go see the world which surrounds us.

    Consuelo Reyes 19

  12. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:35

    Regarding the video, I could give me how badly we are today, what the young man said is true, and today all we do is be with the phone or on the computer chatting with people who may not we know, we believe we have many friends but who knows if they will be with us at the time when we need their help. As the young man said we must leave electronic devices and go see how life is, with the devices we lose half our lives not knowing what happens around.
    I feel very identified, because I'm the kind of people passing on the phone or on the computer talking to people who might not know, and now I'm realizing that being glued to a screen is the worst thing that exists because it causes a type of insulation, at least social networks, is like a vice and is damaging to all young people and the generations that continue.
    This can be solved ignoring the cell and any electronic device and take to the streets to see the world differently, looking around can be your whole life can change and think differently.

    by: Carolina Rodriguez

  13. Rocío Torres Fernández says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:35

    I fell identify with the video because sometimes you do not even realize but loses some special moments for being in social networks or any technological object knowing that the moments you missed are inclusions instead social networks are illusions that maybe true or simply false, for example in social networks have many friends but when you need support or just a friend nobody is willing to accompany you in those moments. I think to solve this problem should move away from social networking, technology and express feelings in person, looking at people in the eye not messages or social networking.
    Name:Rocío Torres

  14. Darlyn Martínez says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:35

    I think that all this is very complicated, because without knowing the reality, our society must change.

    I feel that in the society in this life is sad and boring, because the people forget the it essential and funny, even include me.

    I can make more visits unexpected, trip with friends , spend time with friends, and less messages.

    N° List: 8.
    Name: Valentina González Olivares.

  15. valee.H says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:35

    Of course I feel Reflected in the video sometimes there are moments Because That do not take advantage and you get the phone display looking like any object. I think to solve this problem we must put our heads to think and say 'enough ' those friends you have in social networks are not true and you have to take advantage at most family and friends who really support throughout.

    Valentina Huerta
    N°List: 9

  16. Darlyn Martínez says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:36

    I feel sad, downhearted because I feel completely identified. I believe that to solve this problem or best said, this "vice", you have to do something outdoor. Either dance, do some sport or simply go for a walk.

    -Darlyn Martínez.

    bailar, hacer algún deporte o simplemente salir a caminar.

  17. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:36

    On the subject of Internet, it worries me because I had never realized how one can lose by being with a technological device, these days the young man takes little importance to the life around him, ignoring the feelings of others. I feel very identified with the video because I spend the most time with the phone in hand and now I realize the consequences. I think if there is a solution to do campaigns, parties, social gatherings, in which different youth from various localities get together to share their tastes and interests, obviously without technological device involved. "You have to disconnect from the technological world and see how wonderful is the real world".

    Maithe Villa C.
    N° List: 27

  18. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:36

    I feel bad, i feel very identified with the video, because it shows the reality og many of us we are often so focused on the social networks that we are not aware of what happens.
    I could pay more attention to what is happening around us, enjoy every moment with our close friend.

    Name: Javiera Molina
    N°list: 14

  19. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:38

    I feel reflected in the video because he Opportunities Need To Be Lost For cell slope without Importance Send a real personalities and Opportunities That will give me.To resolve this situation They turn your phone or computer and worrying Over Her friends created by Yourself For any Social Network That some friends and no true son Spend more time in the outdoors , also de estar Leave Behind A Screen para demonstrably and express how you feel.
    Francisca Torres

  20. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:38

    I feel guilty because I am also a participant of this epidemic of social networking technology, I believe that dear is no way to end this disease because it is something that is in all youth.

    mauricio miranda
    n list 13

  21. jose ortiz says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:39

    I am makes sad because one lose much chance for see one telephone, stand lose the love to i am live, one have to stop of use the telephone for this have one live normal.

    josé ortiz
    number list: 15

  22. Anónimo Says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:39

    I feel sad to see us as we are today, I feel identified because I do not live without technology and always use this what we could change leaving the technology side and giving more time for friends and family like when we were kids.

    Nombre: Jerko Cuello
    N°: 6

  23. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:40

    I make feel sad because can the lose only chance in the life, i don't identify in the video because not use many social media, one have to stop telephone and make sports.

    Matias Urrutia 25

  24. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:41

    I feel that the social media is very important for comunication, but we must not be exceeded, old has positive and negative, but this one measured, for to change We must do our part leaving the cell next to the display off

  25. nicolas barrios says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:41

    I think that the situation is important for we live because make us in not social person. I not be identified because talk face to face with friends, practise sports and leave with friends. This situation can solve with videos informatives, spots and social groups in squares.

    Nicolás Barrios Magna

  26. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:42

    I feel bad, because people spend their time in being with a technological device and not use their time with thing that really worthwhile such as going out with friends or staying with family.
    I feel identified, because I´m people that be for a long time with my cellphone
    to solve this situation I´ll beging with me

    Valentina Argandoña

  27. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 10:42

    i feel sad because my identified with this video, i am salve not create so many social network

    name:rodrigo quiroga
    n°: 18

  28. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 13:45

    To my view, communicate with other people is not bad, but these social networks leads you to be a person not very nice, because by hang around connected not let you do pastime, for example, out with friends, with family or speak in person with each one of them. Besides, when you talk by computer, you never know if is any criminal or a true friend.

    Name: Bárbara Julio C.
    Number List: 10

  29. Unknown says:
    26 de noviembre de 2014, 14:22

    I think the media cumunicacion are good because they serve to communicate and matenerte informed, but also have negative aspects such as distraction, not looking at her face, and others. In society today is a lost this habit of talking to people as the product of technology has made people allan lost communication, do not stay outside because I am also one of those people using cell always and prefers talking on cell face to face.

    Name: Milenka Pasten
    N°list: 16

  30. Unknown says:
    27 de noviembre de 2014, 15:00

    I think the video says the right thing, because it reflects what today is happening people, the best method to try to improve the world is giving talks about the importance of life and the importance of socializing with others is important that help people leave their children a good cultural heritage

    nombre: carla araya
    curso: 2 medio
    n lista: 2