
Technology has made our life easier in many aspects, communication, entertainment, medicine, travel are some of these aspects. A lot of things  are supported by technology in everyday life, I think computers are great, they've helped us in a lot of ways. What's the importance of technology today? What's your favorite device?
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33 Response to "Technology"

  1. HighSchoolCeb says:
    4 de agosto de 2013, 19:52

    The importance of technology today is that our lives easier in what are personal interests as these technological devices keep us informed and connected to social networks. The unit I like is the phone already has applications that allow me to entertain and communication

    Sergio H.

  2. primaryschoolceb says:
    4 de agosto de 2013, 20:01

    I think that technology helps us in all sphere and live more comfortably, and I like most is the computer.

    la mata.

  3. Unknown says:
    4 de agosto de 2013, 20:21

    Technology is very important in our lives, because through it we can communicate, entertain, inform, study and even work without it we could not live.
    My favorite device is the computer because we can do many things in it, for example to communicate with friends and family, entertain and inform.

    Analia Valencia :)

  4. primaryschoolceb says:
    4 de agosto de 2013, 20:36

    I think the technology is very important, is required to communicate,have fun, do work and many things that make our lives easier. my favorite device is the cell, because is entertaining and serves to talk to people.
    Juan Gálvez

  5. HighSchoolCeb says:
    5 de agosto de 2013, 14:58

    The importance of technology is that it make everything easier, fun and entertaining.
    Well today technology is necessary to achieve progress and so many people be developed to have a more updated daily life.
    The device I like is the notebook because it is easy to carry around and serves to entertain, communicate and work bone is a multifunction device to meet all our needs for our day to day.
    By: Catalina Cuellar Araya

  6. Unknown says:
    5 de agosto de 2013, 15:51

    technology has become one of the most important factors in the use,because with this you can make different things or activities necessary for humans. the phone is a very clear example that helps to communicate and entertain

    pablo antonio

  7. karitoandrea says:
    5 de agosto de 2013, 16:08

    The importance of technology is that we can move forward with better tools and a better quality of life in many ways. It is important because we can create, view, understand and capitalize, but we will go down in history.

    My favorite technological device is the cell phone, the one I use most of the day because it enables and facilitates communication y the entertainment through games and music.

    BY: Carolina Herrera Díaz

  8. Geraldine Haylin *-* says:
    5 de agosto de 2013, 20:01

    The importance of the technology nowadays is very important for us since it facilitates to us and improves the quality of life making her increasingly comfortable for all. My favorite equipment is the cell since for my it is one of the technologies mas complete which allows us to report to us across called, social networks, allows us to play, to open post office and one without end of activities.

    BY:Geraldine *-*

  9. Unknown says:
    11 de noviembre de 2013, 11:58

    Technology is very important because it
    is a medium that facilitates the everyday
    life and are present in the home,
    hospitals, streets, etc. Also can use as an
    example the TV, refrigerator and my
    technological tool more cell phone is
    important because it connects me with
    other people and entertain your

    By: anyelo bravo

  10. Unknown says:
    11 de noviembre de 2013, 14:35

    Today technology is very important in medicine and communication, because the technology can help us to fight against the illnesses, and in the case of communication, we can talk with people from others countries, or people that we don't saw from many years.
    technology changes every day, to make our lives easier,and also makes our lives better.

    Sebastian Godoy

  11. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2013, 2:59

    the importance of tenctologia is very important for society, for the entire tcnologia used for the convenience of man, and man always looking for comfort.
    My favorite technological object is the xbox 360, because I entertain a lot, and I can spend hours playing

    by diego

  12. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2013, 3:36

    For me, technology has become essential
    to everyday life. It is the method most
    used lara communication, using internet
    or any cell. The most important
    technological inventions, would be the
    utiljzados to improve health in their
    variety. I am help to have a better life and
    in some cases cure diseases.

    Margarita lópez

  13. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2013, 11:47

    I think the importance of technology today is of great importance, and we now live in a world that is developed thanks to the technology, who lives around it and communicates thanks to technological advances. My favorite team would certainly be the phone, and thanks to it we can communicate even if this from miles away and have the latest models of cell phones can do many more activities, such as connecting to the internet.

    Patricia Astorga.

  14. HighSchoolCeb says:
    12 de noviembre de 2013, 14:24

    The technology comes from the need, today can be applied in everything we do , assist and facilitate our daily lives , developing new skills while serving technologies to provide solutions for those who use it . Improving our quality of life and makes us able to create, view , understand and capitalize but what we are having and what we leave behind in history.
    My favorite device is computer , Because I to find quick solutions to questions through internet, communicate with family and make friends with installed programs, save documents and photos, is a place of entretencion , is an invention that revolutionized our lives, and is its evolution as a large computer now fits in your pocket us .

    Camila Ortiz Huanchicay

  15. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2013, 15:31

    my opinion on technology, is that for one party in this society where we are now is a great contribution, for example, radio, TV Overhead is a means porder informarce of everything happening in our country and around the world, without leaving the computer that is also a means to informarce and communicate.
    Fernanda Rojas

  16. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2013, 15:36

    The technology is to make our lives easier, we can communicate with people from other parts of the world, have fun etc ... My favorite technological object is the cell not only allows me to communicate, I can listen to music, and have fun with.

    priscilla ramirez

  17. Rocío says:
    12 de noviembre de 2013, 17:20

    The importance of technology today is that everything becomes easier and near points, communication and progress of any society.
    The device I like to use is the cell phone, as it is easy to carry, has many functions thanks to advances, and also meets one of the most important needs is communication.


  18. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2013, 17:32

    Today the technology is very important, because this help us in all our need, for example comunication,medicine, science and entertain.
    My favorite device are the consoles and pc.

    Catalina Jara.

  19. Unknown says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 7:33

    In my opinion I think that the technology is very important for all world, because the technology hep us to have a easier life, example help us with the medicine and the comunications.

    Ruben Fredes

  20. Unknown says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 7:54

    technology is very important in our society and this has made progress in several scopes, I think has given several contributions with which we have to go forward and not be so far apart in most civilized countries, also has given us several inventions, and that I like my phone is because I can communicate with me and also serves as the complement of computers, by the fact that through them also I can communicate in social networks. technology is very important in our society and this has made progress in several scopes, I think has given several contributions with which we have to go forward and not be so far apart from the countries of other companies, also has given us several inventions , and that I like my phone is because I can communicate with me and also serves as the complement of computers, by the fact that through them also I can communicate in social networks.

    ~ Maria Fernanda Santander ~

  21. GeNeSis says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 8:04

    Today, technology it's very important for the society's development because the man since his primitive form, was associated in the first place skilful in the use of technology, whether for use guns to hunt, or utensils that were the origin of those now used more frequently.
    My favorite device is the telephone because it was a great invent that marked the modern's man life; This device allowed people to communicate despite the distance through a system of cables. And since that time telecommunications were breaking all barriers to reach the total and permanent connection that is the cell phone.
    Genesis Pasten B

  22. Unknown says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 9:20

    technology is absolutely neccesary for our lifes and I think that none person couold survive without all the things advanced that we have today. But for me the technology like the elemnts is very bored and Im not interested in that.

  23. HighSchoolCeb says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 9:20

    the technology is very important, because help us in differents things like in medicine, agriculture and for communicate. my favorite device is the computer because help us to inform, entertain and we can communicate with people who are long-distance.

    Daniela Gonzalez

  24. stephanie jiji says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 9:21

    the importance of techonology today is a scientific advance to for improvement to human life
    is useful for comunication and contact.
    helps us a live more comfortably.

  25. ViajesConLaOdisea*CEB says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 9:26

    I think technology is very important for our life today, we need to communicate, have fun, make jobs search imformacion now at this time for us is very necessary as there can apply for universities. my favorite team is the phone, because for my use it like a notebook and I just need internet and my phone and I have the same thing on a computer but more practical and easy to use.


  26. Unknown says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 9:29

    technology is very important because at this time makes life more because it assists in the day to day, in addition to being used as a means of research inventions to either human health itself or as a means of communication which has been facilitating human evolution.

    by: Nataly Carvajal

  27. inciensos says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 9:35

    The importance of technology today is that it help us to be connected to each other in this globalized world. On the other hand i think this also has its drawbacks, because we are connected to the rest of the world but we get disconnected with our environment and the people around us. But well, my favorite device is the internet and the computers.

    fernanda iturrieta

  28. primaryschoolceb says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 9:41

    technology consumed us all equally, who says he does not lie, we always want the latest
    My favorite team is the computer I can get anything you want in seconds

    karla sogia g♥

  29. maria teresa says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 10:11

    Technology today is very important because it facilitates communication between people who are far away, the formalities are much faster thanks to the technology.

    Maximiliano Dubo.

  30. inciensos says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 10:12

    technology is a good thing, because it helps people to make your life easier and comfortable, in addition to developing the mind of human beings and society development. delivering to most of the world what can be learned.

    Matias Jimenez

  31. primaryschoolceb says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 10:13

    technology today is very important because it benefits us in many sense, how to communicate with others in different locations up to fight diseases,
    technology changes every day, to make our lives easier,and also makes our lives better.
    cristian carrasco

  32. inciensos says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 10:22

    technology has been beneficial for us, as they have created various objects of daily life like for the home, schools and hospitals.
    One of the devices that I like is the phone because it helps us communicate with other people and makes life easier.

    By: Victor Iturra

  33. HighSchoolCeb says:
    13 de noviembre de 2013, 10:32

    In my opinion, technology is very important today, because today, people seek comfort, and technology is capable of delivering this service.
    A technological object which in my opinion is essential in today's cell phones, which is able to establish a dialogue between people, even when long distance one person from another.