Mysteries of science

There are a lot of enigmas in our world, some may be scaring, others amazing. Mythical creatures like Big Foot, Yeti or chupacabras don't have a scientific explanation yet, hidden places too. Which is the mystery that puzzles you the most?
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35 Response to "Mysteries of science"

  1. Aldo Dagakoes says:
    6 de diciembre de 2008, 11:20

    The mystery that puzzle me most is "Chupacabras" because I can not understand, how this creature could have leave those animals like that?. The Chupacabras to have seen but never good. For me the Chupacabras is a mystery because, nobody knows where it comes from, if is extraterrestrial, there are many questions without answers.

  2. Unknown says:
    6 de diciembre de 2008, 15:31

    A mystery of science is the mostruo Lake ness
    is the name given to a dinosaur who say that inhabit this lake of fresh water more than 1500 years ago many people claim to have seen and there are pictures that show this dionosaurio but it was not known whether they are true or false,
    or whether they are fantasies that invents the people
    This myth has many questions because even the scientists can not determine what happens with this mystery that has confounded the public

  3. Unknown says:
    6 de diciembre de 2008, 15:32

    ooooo perdon siempre se m olvida colocar mi nombre soy yo tamara pasten la seca pa ingles

  4. dominga says:
    7 de diciembre de 2008, 19:12
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  5. dominga says:
    7 de diciembre de 2008, 19:30

    name:Maria Jose Ortega

    A mysteries of science are the ovnies,unidentified flying object, we think that the ovnis are of the other Planets and they have different Bodies to our body .is believed that ,have CHARACTERISTICS different to us,are of head large ,long arm,and body is small .
    is believed that the cia
    knows your existence . and to hidden the news.

  6. .......:pilita:....... says:
    8 de diciembre de 2008, 14:20

    the mystery of science who me most call attention is Bermudas triangles or devil triangles, because is very strange who disappear airplane and boat.
    like is possible who disappear something so big and who not remain rake.
    is one mystery or puzzle of very time and who not have explanation.
    besides in the bermudas triangles himself lose the mark , Know is impossible who only in those place
    pass see?
    question who only the time and science give answer.


  7. _.:CoNI:._ says:
    8 de diciembre de 2008, 15:32

    The UFO's are a mystery, because know dont your ubication, your body and less as they think. Just know that are unidentified flying object, It a mystery that the sciencie has not discovered. I believe that are similar to humans, but small, more inteligent and more thin, beside of colour gray.


  8. Unknown says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 11:58

    The mistery that I like the most or the one in which I believes are UFOS, I can say that this mystery call me more the attention, because is not so false like "Chupacabras", this is a mystery in which I don´t believe, but I respet the people who does.
    For me UFOS are a kind of mystery in which we have to take care, because they can be like us or even more intelligent.
    I would like to learn more about UFOS, because for me is a really interesting topic.

    By: Paula Yañez

  9. Unknown says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 12:19

    The mystery that call me more the attention is "Chupacabras", this mystery is about a being who drink animal's blood (only in nights).
    Where this creature come from?,for the all information that I have, I can say that this creature come from of a laboratorie or maybe is just a fictitious being, created for call the attention of people, because only appear when the country is in problems.
    The only thing that we know about him, is that he can fly, he has two big eyes and also that he can walk in two legs.

    By:María Graciela

  10. HighSchoolCeb says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 12:57

    The term UFO's, most famous for UFO (the acronym UFO, unidentified flying object), refers to a phenomenon described as a suspected object steering wheel, real or apparent, which can not be identified by the observer and whose origin remains unknown after an investigation.
    By alonso

  11. HighSchoolCeb says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 13:15

    My important mysterie is chupacabras because kill sheep , chicken and other animals, and chupacabras have aspect like a bull , wolf and cat.
    it big jump like bunny jump is very amazing.
    Nobody knows who they are, the scientist can't resolved the mysterie

  12. HighSchoolCeb says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 13:15

    el de arriba
    by sebastian

  13. krhizx says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 13:31

    a mystery of science is the werewolf it can be sais that is the most well know myth in the world, whit the vampire for this reason so many people believe in this myths.
    I think that the werewolf not exist and is false but is a myth very interesting.

    by: cristian rojo
    saludos pa la seca pa ingles

  14. Romina says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 13:45

    The mystery of science is vermuda's triangle because is unknown and weird for the strange disappearance and sightings of ufo for the zone.

    By: Rodrigo Araya.-

  15. HighSchoolCeb says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 13:51

    the mystery of science,i think that the mysteries their are to much and I prefer not complicating,but the my interstig is the mistery the ufos
    We are not alone

    by italo

  16. HighSchoolCeb says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 13:54

    the mystery of science that me call most attention is the cupacabras, because I not do understand this animal or thing, kill without leave trace, never the peoples had can't to catch, and nobody know that is and where from, are little the people had can see to this creature.

    by: hugo maturana

  17. sofii says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 13:56

    The mystery of science that call me more the attention is ovnies , because meeting that are a and impresses me that there is one great quantity of videos and photographies that they show this mystery . Also impresses me that there life in the other planet and that let's not know since they are the ovnies in reality. I believe that the ovnies always they are going to be a mystery the which always is going to have questions without answers and for this reason for me is a mystery very impressive.

    By. Sofía Araya =]

  18. Romina says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 14:15

    Most spoken of the possible existence of the "chupacabras" or "UFO's," but more to talk about aliens, for me one of the biggest mysteries is the existence of life on Mars. Search a little, I investigate that in 1976 two vessels U.S. orbiting Mars with the objective of take photographs and analyze if the area has organic compounds; one of the engineers of the mission, noted that the ships detected carbon-14 that containing methane, a gas that here on earth can be produced by bacteria, therefore the conclusion was that if exist life on Mars, but even so is not 100% sure.

    By: Romina Díaz.-

  19. juaanca says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 14:25

    A mystery of the science that draw my attention is The mystery of existence of a ghost ship that sails in many oceans in the world kidnapping sailors from differents ships, some cultures named it the Flying Dutchman,or here in chile is named Caleuche is likely that something of this leyend to be real, becouse many people assured his existence, but today nothing can say something credible for explain this strange event.

  20. Camiii! says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 14:28

    the ovnis manner a contant question for the humanity, what these? what make?, nothing comprehend in my opinion is a big imagination the men.
    I do not believe that they exist, it is few comu and out of the normal thing

    Camila Flores =)

  21. HighSchoolCeb says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 14:31

    The mirterio of science is the chupacabras, because this creature kills chickens and lambs.but leaves no traces in their deaths already appeared in South America as: United States, Chile, Argentina, etc.said that is smoll and has red eyes, but said the people.the scientists have not discovered his identity.

    by:German A.

  22. Live Musiic says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 14:48

    The Dragons are a mysteries of science. They are legendars animals, created in old civilizations that believe in magical and mysteries creatures.
    Diferents draws and pictures maked in old time represent the dragons occidental and oriental.
    This animal are a big snake, thar have the capacity of fly and spit fire.
    They are a mysteri of science because the human only view in your dreams are creatde with the imagination.

    By: Paula Cortés.

  23. Live Musiic says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 15:04

    The mystery that puzzle me most is Chupacabras, because is the most important and interesting for me because it is a real mystery because it leaves no tracks or traces of their attacks, also that was turned into a legend and is part of Chilean culture.

    By: Maximiliano Alfaro =D !

  24. sofii says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 15:22

    one of the science`s mysteries that most caught my attention are the Nazca`s lines, because I don`t find explanation that the indians of the vintage was drawn animals that didn`t exist in your environments and how were drawn and view from the top.

    by. Magdalena Díaz

  25. Diego says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 16:30

    For me the mystery is something fascinating, I think they are the great enigma that science not been able to give you an answer.
    The UFOS is the most shocking because nobody can give a rational explanation for ships that are not within the reach of our technology
    At the moment we can only continue with the question
    P.D : saludos pa la frambue ...

  26. C a a a r i t o ^^ says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 16:31

    the mystery that but she gets me the attention it is since that of the ovnis they are non identified objects and that they can be among us, they have I toss scientific studies of their existence and they leave us clear that if they exist and that we should accept that that mystery is real and this among us.

    By: Carolina Torres

  27. Anónimo Says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 16:39

    the mystery that i like is the mermaid, because your storys with sailor era very funny, with your beautiful voice and your scales of fish they era very exotics, besides they is found in more storys like the of Ulises in The odiseo, when he say to your sailor that is cover the earing, because your voice are magic.


  28. HighSchoolCeb says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 17:00

    A mystery of science that I believe that is interesant are the mermaid, this being are one mith, this creatures appear sometimes by being nice for your harmonious voices, but others theories affirm that are very dangerous.
    The body of the mermaid is a part human and the other is of fish. Are very famous for the beautiful that they have.

    By: Renee Cárdenas Sarmiento.

  29. HighSchoolCeb says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 17:22

    A mysteries of the science for myis the UFO's, because I don't think so have a aspect beautifull, but dreadfull.
    Is a higt mystery that my they, because have he's got flying saucer who cause much fear the aspect.
    Is a mystery that the sciencie has not discovered.

    By: *Feñaaaaaa!

  30. juaanca says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 17:30

    The mystery that less I like is of chupacabras because is very bad because kills to the animals and also have looks ugly that startled. Also the extraterretrial cause me more scared, because I see them as being superior to us, and they can cause damage.

    By. Suellen Ogalde :)

  31. juaanca says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 17:45

    The mystery of ufos are a Great question on the humanity, becouse the idea that there are other ways of life make scare and insecurity in the world, the human don´t have in his mind the capacity of share this world, and know new forms of intellingense ways, I think that many UFOS that many have landed on earth, but for the "right" of the global order have been concealed there is evidence throughout the world of extraterrestrial sightings.

    By Paula Rojas

  32. HighSchoolCeb says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 17:52

    I think that alliens are very misterious because nobody knows how they are or look like and I would like to know if we can communi cate with them or if they are dangerous or if they are more aduanced than human. I would like to know if the area is real or only fistion.

    Daniela pizarro

  33. HighSchoolCeb says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 18:07

    The cryonics is a mistery of the science that even not is resolute. The cryonis is a process in the wich humans or animals are frozen for preserve them in the time and then can revive them when the science and the medicine have a development in the future.
    Is incredible that the science can make possible this things considerated impossible and that only we can know in movies of scienc fiction.
    I think taht the cryonics can become very important in the future for preserve the human life, but the problem is that actually the process for return to life the bodies frozen even not is possible. I'd like that the science found the way of revive the bodies frozen for can live years a lot.

    By: Tamara Villalobos Rojas.

  34. HighSchoolCeb says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 18:29

    The mystery over who I like and that has not been able to solve the riddle of the triangle of bermuda because no one explained the events that occur there because there was no certain evidence proving that there is something only the paranormal aircraft disappeared boat

    By Ian 3.0

  35. HighSchoolCeb says:
    9 de diciembre de 2008, 18:35

    In my opinion the enigma of chuapacabras is a great mystery since nobody in the world knows that it can be if a superanimal an alien or something supernatural no one explained that this creature is that today, nor science can actually prove that is the chupacabras

    By: josefa