The last kiss

What’s your opinion about the story in the song The last kiss. Did you get impressed by its content? Did you imagine the story was so sad and moving?
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23 Response to "The last kiss"

  1. ivan says:
    23 de septiembre de 2008, 14:10

    the song is very beautiful but also sad, makes you think about the value of your life and that of others in what is sad to lose someone that you want.
    pd although the music is very cheerful and encourages
    by: Ivan Carvajal

  2. ANA says:
    26 de septiembre de 2008, 19:07

    I think the song was good that did not have a sound typical of a sad song and I never imagined I could tell a story so tragic and poignant and that aya happened in real life that's why I love its sound and unusual its history.

    2º MEDIO

  3. Live Musiic says:
    28 de septiembre de 2008, 15:55

    The song is beautiful and sad. Is a history of love very romantic, but with end tragic. Is impressive and unexpected. I imagined other history as an infidelity.

    by:katherine alfaro

  4. ozram says:
    28 de septiembre de 2008, 17:33

    the song is very pretty, but the histori is sad make me cry :,(.

    the end is so tragic and unexpected

    jose flores

    2 medio

  5. ANA says:
    30 de septiembre de 2008, 18:04

    The this very pretty and romantic song my I like very much clearly that on having listened to her for the first time his her letter is Not achieved to the since the pace of the song does Not go very identically to the feeling of the song that is taded because death the person that more that in the world.
    In addition the title degree of the song is precise since before that she it death gave his her last kiss to him I am charmed with the very very romantic song.

    By : Maria jose alvarez

  6. ANA says:
    2 de octubre de 2008, 17:13

    The song I like very much because apart from being very romantic express the whole love that tape worm the young man for his her girlfriend you prop I am overawed that the song finds been extracted of a true story.

    BY:Yordan Herrera

  7. !!!hxgho_O!! says:
    2 de octubre de 2008, 17:31

    I think the song is beautiful and sad at the same time felt that this person was important for him but I never imagined that it could tell a story so tragic and poignant is very romantic song

    by hugo carrizo t.

  8. ANA says:
    3 de octubre de 2008, 12:16

    I think the song a deep emotion when listening.
    romanticoy find a lot of very gentleman having a song dedicated to his girlfriend who had died despite the pain DETO to what this conyeva.
    the song was very romantic and is expressing everything that Mr could feel for the woman who died as a shocking manner.
    I have only words to say that love can be expressed in such a way that is persibible by the person who wants which is reflected in the song. Demaci I liked the lyrics of the song with what is expected on time, their driveway just melody with the letter the author of the song was very timely at all for as a way to the public likes and expressing his feelings inside him.

    by Solange vega

  9. ANA says:
    3 de octubre de 2008, 12:19

    the song was very good was very sentimental note is that the youth was in love with his girlfriend who died in the accident but heard his melody ubiese if I had not imagined that it was something like that.

    by Leyla Barraza

  10. ANA says:
    3 de octubre de 2008, 12:25

    I never imagine that a story was so sad but I think the song was very romantic melody was the disitnata to other romantic songs but I liked a lot.

    by milko cortes

  11. ANA says:
    3 de octubre de 2008, 12:30

    I think the song was a bit strange as to its melody because it was not a typical romantic song came out of the ordinary was very romantic and his story was very sad

    by francisco Briceño

  12. ANA says:
    3 de octubre de 2008, 12:37

    the history of the song was very moving and do not reflect its sound but it was good.

    by Miguel dubo

  13. danielhm15 says:
    5 de octubre de 2008, 9:25
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  14. danielhm15 says:
    5 de octubre de 2008, 9:30

    My opinion about the song LAST KISS is that I think is a very good song by its contents that much arrive at heart, and because it is very sad but at the same time very trajic.but in conclusion the song and the story are very good for they recommend to all.

    BY: Daniel Herrera Madariaga.

  15. pachiiz_topi says:
    5 de octubre de 2008, 10:53

    The song is very nice and sad the end because there loses who mas loves and also one gets excited when the scout or at least I, apart as that he him dedicates with the whole heart what he feels for her, it is a very romantic song.

    by Claudia Ortiz

  16. Unknown says:
    5 de octubre de 2008, 16:44

    My opinion about the song Last Kiss is that I think is very good because it speaks of the tristesa of love and I will recommend to everyone because it is a very nice story with great feeling

    natalia araya
    2 medio

  17. Unknown says:
    5 de octubre de 2008, 16:59

    The Last Kiss , song is a bit comical to listen because they do not get the impression that is so trajica is a song is very beautiful and romantic ,of love without a doubt... I liked a lot ...
    by: Valentina Vargas

  18. zhebástian says:
    5 de octubre de 2008, 18:09

    for me the story of the song the last kiss, it reflects a very tragic situation but what impresses me most is that the song does not reflect everything that is the tragic story as it is a very beautiful and romantic song that I think I have been liked it.

    by:ingrid alcayaga

  19. zhebástian says:
    5 de octubre de 2008, 18:14

    My reflection on the history of the last kiss is a bit confusing since it is a tragic story, but the song of this story shows just the opposite because it is a beautiful and romantic song that is to believe because it is so strange story that has the song that one hears.

    by: sebastian olivares ^^

  20. Live Musiic says:
    5 de octubre de 2008, 18:18

    My opinion about the song
    the last kiss is that is very sad, but good because is about
    good things that can happen in real life is also very good letter of the song. I would never imagine that I vat to finish so the couple's love ...
    by: camilo alfaro

  21. ANA says:
    24 de noviembre de 2008, 14:37

    I think the song really nice because it showed all the love that exists between them and the change that has to give his life in order to be with her love again

    by anggela carvajal.

  22. !!!hxgho_O!! says:
    28 de noviembre de 2008, 11:58

    the son "last kiss", i like very much,why is beautiful,romantic and attractive.
    the history of the song is very unhappy,as that on men,himself died the girl friend,for the who feeling much love.

    by:cynthia gonzales.

  23. danielhm15 says:
    7 de diciembre de 2008, 16:15

    My opinion about the song “Last Kiss” is that it is very beautiful, because is very romantic and tell a very pretty story about a very loved, couple the end of the story is her death due to an accident.
    Be Cristal Galleguillos