Myths and facts about studies and learning

There are a lot of myths about learning and studying, some may be true, others funny and others just a joke. Raisins, coffee or getting up very early in the morning in order to study are some examples.
Do you know some myths? Can you tell us?
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40 Response to "Myths and facts about studies and learning"

  1. Unknown says:
    16 de agosto de 2008, 20:07

    we know of many myths of the learning, but the common more is the myth of eating you happen pass, it helps us to memorize more rapidly and to retain the imformation, it is true since they are sweet and the sweet stimulates your brain, in addition that to eat a sweet before a test proof also serves for the same reason

  2. HighSchoolCeb says:
    17 de agosto de 2008, 10:52

    I was searching some myth about the study, and of course i found with the myth of the Raisins(as say susana),but else i found a interesting enough and out of the ordinary,that is the myth of sleep with a tooth of garlic under the pillow, because the garlic takes all the negative and clears your mind for you can remember better the things …, also this one of taking a glass of water with sugar in far i don't prove any one of them, but i'll have to see that so real they are..

    Paulina Ríos :3

  3. » Shadowplay.- says:
    18 de agosto de 2008, 17:31

    A garlic tooth!? haha, that's weird!

    Well, I don't know so many myths
    about learning. I've heard about the raisins (classic :P) but I don't like raisins, so... I can't say so much about it.

    I've eard about studying early in the morning instead of studying at night 'cause that way your mind is cleaner and blah blah blah, but I don't think that's true. Very early in the morning or very late at night, What's the difference!? You're sleepy.

    What else? Eating some candies before a test it's good to relaxing. Maybe...
    All these myths are rather a psychological thing. They'll probably work for people who trust blindly in them.

    M. Castillo

  4. shhiio says:
    18 de agosto de 2008, 18:42

    I agree with Susi and Pauni regarding the raisins, because I've already heard that the raisins "we all know" help much for the memory, but I do not know that so efficient can be, because in reality to me I do not like the raisins... Stinks!

    But I began to seek other myths and I found the myth of coffe with coca cola, that makes that persons and especially persons who work until afternoon (as college students) not be sleep at night, thus facilitating, at to study.

    Also another myth, is that by eating nuts with honey in fasting, us serves to memory, at like that raisins, but... I do not know that so efficient are, because I never I have eaten.
    But... Will be efficient these myths? I do not know.

    By Rocío Cortés XD

  5. HighSchoolCeb says:
    18 de agosto de 2008, 18:50

    You spend them: they are of big help for the memory, if we eat three before every meal, we will be able to improve notably our concentration and our memory, our labor results will be much better! it is a good method taught by my grandmother, and it is much more effective than any other

    Natalie Vargas :)

  6. Anitaa! says:
    18 de agosto de 2008, 18:56

    I have heard eating candies, especially chocolate to relax before a test or any situation of stress, maybe because this produces a pleasant sensation, another well known and very mentioned is eat raisins for memory, I don't think that works, anyway I don't like.

  7. HighSchoolCeb says:
    18 de agosto de 2008, 19:06

    I know that possible a children to become more intelligent for mothematical, so then. for used when the baby is young play the ball, secouse so develop the anelytical capacity

    Paulinita Cerdita!

  8. HighSchoolCeb says:
    18 de agosto de 2008, 19:13

    For a good memory and to have a better physical functioning I have listened of That is a very good idea To consume natural medicines, Nourishing supplements.

    Many people believe With many certainty that they give immediate results,but depends of the Organism that consumes it.

    These medicines do not have a scientific base; The medicines have an agreeable flavor and In addition they have an action Compensating of the levels of cholesterol.

    Constanza Andrade .

  9. HighSchoolCeb says:
    18 de agosto de 2008, 19:35

    We know all of many myths on The learning,I do not practise any ,Only to sleep and to feed well;but The typical myths on learning, They are eat Yolk of egg; the vegetables,The dried fruits, the chocolate and the cocoa,The integral cereals and the yeast of beer.

    Luis Calderon.

  10. HighSchoolCeb says:
    18 de agosto de 2008, 20:41

    Good, I share very much with the opinions of my companions, but with that more agree it he is with that of natural medicine, since with this one there is not damaged any part of our organism, because if usaramos another type of help for the memory I believe that in certain part us beneficiary but on the other hand not. For example on having eaten chocolates whenever we need to study or something for the style habria a great quantity of obesity and not serious the correct thing. And it he, is in this sense that the natural thing us beneficiary.

    ** Barbariitha Flower's!

  11. Unknown says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 14:40

    There are many persons who say that to eat raisins it helps to the memory, I say that to eat something sweet, as for example sugar or a simple candy, before producing a test or when we have some another type of tension, this would serve as a type of I relax and to be calmer.

    Meivol Julio.

  12. Yoyiito says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 15:12

    Y don t believe in the myths, but others person is told me that eat a toffee before of a test, help to remember the study for the test for a better result

    Rocio Ahumada =)

  13. Yoyiito says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 15:14

    According to the tradition of my family the Raisins help to the memory , and is to utilize every time that we needed memory an information for sure with excellent result.

    Maria Rivera *

  14. Yoyiito says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 15:28

    In my opinión the myth more in force in this days is the eat chocolate help to have good memory and concentration for my for self what I have seen and comprobated to raise Maria Rivera about of the Raisins are Only false because that never is had comprobated its that will be efective in the people

    Georgeline *-*

  15. Yoyiito says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 15:30
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  16. el__kromers says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 15:48
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  17. el__kromers says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 15:56

    Responding to the first question, yes, I know a few myths; respect to the second is that I can tell us about the chocolate, is to eat a piece of chocolate before a review to activate the brain, and after reviewing too, can also before a test used to activate what you have learned. That is one of the myths that I know, whether it is true or not, I do not know, it sounds funny but I practice it

    developed by

    [b] El__Kromers[/b]

  18. el__kromers says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 16:13

    I know a lot of myths, but, about education I only know one, that of raisins, which said that one should eat to learn faster and have more memory, and another that I was to study before bed so that the this matter more fresh and well remember with only a reworked


    Victor Rojas

    el vito


    Los Pamperros

  19. Niköl Nienor Níniel says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 16:27

    Generally the persons say that to study in the dawn it helps center better ... but I believe that it is going to depend on the capacity of concentration on the person.

    Mariajanett Araya

  20. Niköl Nienor Níniel says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 16:30

    I know on a myth that says that if one drinks coffee it will be much easier to center. Do not be if I believes well in this myth, but I know that the coffee wakes you up.

    Lucía Iturra

  21. GåßøøÞ says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 16:38

    My companions have already mentioned myths like the of eating raisins (typical), sweet, coffee with coca cola, dry fruits, chocolate, vegetables, integral cereals and even natural medicine, and other more psychological, since they don't believe a lot in those methods, like I do not think that really work.

    Everything depends on the person, but if I know a method that I believe that it motivates to study and to make a test,that it is, to smoke a joint (marijuana) before each thing and some people close have told me that it works, but I'd never test it and...

    I wait that neither you!!

    By Gabriela Y.

  22. Niköl Nienor Níniel says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 16:45
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  23. Niköl Nienor Níniel says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 16:47

    I know of the myths that already my companions have mentioned, about the raisins ... but also I have listened on the myth that mentioned Lucía, about drinking coffee for was concentrating more, though I had understand that coffee had to be drunk by coke :S if I know it sounds disgusting, because of it I have never tried xD jeje =P

    Niköl :D

  24. Unknown says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 17:17

    There is the myth of coffee, but it does not work, because instead of staying awake gives me more sleep. There is also the myth of raisins, but I do not like them, so I do not know if it's true. Lastly, I believe that everything is a psychological question...

  25. HighSchoolCeb says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 17:36

    for many years, in the society in which we stand is full of myths and customs with which one shares daily.
    some of these myths are; eat blak raisins, drink coffee, deep breathing for ten minutes, among others.


    constancita tapia espinoza

    peace in the world


  26. Unknown says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 17:52
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  27. Unknown says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 17:53

    Good I agree with companions that dijieron the myth of you them happen(pass), because friends of mine me have verified that they have eaten you happen(pass) before the tests(proofs) or to study and it(he,she) gives them results, since it(he,she) goes out for them mas easily to be able to agree of the studied thing.

    sebastian suarez!!!

  28. Unknown says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 18:02

    More than myth, to get up early to studying for my is a reality, because when towards, result was giving it, it from the coffeeI never ensue because it does evil to me and gives me mas dream, and it of you them pass sincerely I it find a bilge.
    Another myth to that he listens thereabouts is that a reading to be learned her it is necessary to reread 50 times, but I would not do it, because I would remain slept in I the number 10...

  29. Unknown says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 18:05

    One of the myths mas common listened is of eating you happen for the memory...

    They say that it is nice to eat them before the test and before to study Also of eating the chocolate for the nerves and for the concentration, because this one helps to be calm in the test

    But is much better to study with the time and with decicacion to obtain good results

    by: natalia rodriguez

  30. HighSchoolCeb says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 18:15

    They exist more myths, but the more common is eating raisins, since Since it’s said that they are good for the memory.
    Also this one of eating slightly sweet, that can be a piece of chocolate or a candy, because it helps the brain and stimulates it.

    NaTalia Rojas...xD

  31. Unknown says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 18:34

    Perhaps it sounds repetitive but the only myths that i know or
    or remembrance are, eat raisin, that have told me that it works and are good for memory,
    and the chocolate relaxes, removes the nerves.

    I don't remember where was I hear that, if a person falls asleep on top of a book,
    could learn better but i but I do not think that this is the case, as?!

    But there are so many things that people invent, perhaps some give result, but no all.
    It is best to prepare well before a test and ready "jajaja" (no se como se rie en inglés xD)

    camila torres

  32. HighSchoolCeb says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 18:35

    my urban myth is the "right foot" is a myth out of date generation in geneation is a important urban myth why believe is why ,in the morning to cheer up for the right of the bedhy right foot is a false myth for is a habit of the society is a belief and the urban myth .I more use in the school for entry ,to write etcc .use the hand right and the foot right is a common belief in the society.


    el terrible Gabriel Rojas


    puro mitoo jakajakjajak




  33. HighSchoolCeb says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 18:37

    I go to talk about a myth very delicious : the eat chocolates before a test help to the concentration.I don't know it this myth is truth,but my mother belive that yes,for thid she buy me a chocolate every time that have a test.I don't know if the chocolate have result in my concentration,but enjoy with the chocolate before of every test.

    tamara pasten.........
    el q subio la yoyo esta mal escrito..

  34. Unknown says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 18:39

    Some of my companions commented that the happen pass it helps us to memorize more rapidly and to retain the imformation, as said Susy , but I do not like the happen pass, for I believe that is oood To eat Chocolates, because they stimulate the Brain, it is more alarmingly. Also the chocolate is very rich. I do it!!!

    By Vane Quintanilla

  35. viviana says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 18:56

    I agree with Hernan if that is really effective early study I have been a result although it is better to study with anticipation but everything is cooler in the morning, the staff did not do much to the disinterest.
    In any case I have heard of other more rare as eating nuts to strengthen the brain and the most common saying that all of the raisins to the memory although I do not think that is very effective, and to finish what they said Paulina Rios of garlic, had never heard it, anyway all these beliefs are popular only in myths in this case without knowing whether they are effective.

  36. HighSchoolCeb says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 19:13

    RAISINS!!!!! jajaajkajaja!

    but this is so classic, even though anybody likes raisins! u.u
    I don't know if it works! but I think that not work!

    I know a myth for study, is:

    eat nuts for strengthen the brain ;)
    I do not do it but the psychologists say it :s

    this is my contribution ¬¬'

    By Leylita Sagüez H. ;)

  37. Unknown says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 19:20


    by: kerimen cortes!!!

  38. Unknown says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 19:24


    mario caceres

  39. Niköl Nienor Níniel says:
    19 de agosto de 2008, 20:46

    As I’ve been told one of the myths related to learning processes is “the earlier one gets up is better for study”. I think that is not true, because intelligence depends on our own and not on the time of the day.

    By Caterine Cheuquenao.

  40. Unknown says:
    24 de agosto de 2008, 14:44

    we know a lot of myths,like study in the morning in order that one does not forget the studied thing, have more memory, and another that Imore fresh and well remember.
    As the cristian said, to improve this way the constant study and not to have to resort to the study in the morning for loose

    by consuelitooo