
Sports are very important, you can spend your free time, exercise and have fun. There is a sport for everyone, outdoors, team, wáter sports and lots more. Do you like sports?, Do you often practice?
What's your favorite one? why?
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39 Response to "Sports"

  1. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:51
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  2. Isidora Munizaga (Wishi) says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:53

    Yes, I like sport, because are so funny. My favorite sport is basketball, because its so interesting and great sports. I often practice because dont have much time, and practice with my sister.
    Javiera Godoy Rojas

  3. Isidora Munizaga (Wishi) says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:53

    Yes, I like sports, because they are so funny and help me to keep a healthy condition. My favorite sport is Voleyball, because it's so interesting and entertainig but complicated. I don't have much time but I often practice Voleyball.

    Bernardita Bravo
    N° 9

  4. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:54

    i love sport, i practice twice times a week.
    my favorite sport is basketball because is funny and exciting

    Sanders Gonzalez
    N° list 18

  5. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:55

    yes, i like sport... is funny, fantastic and amazing. my favorite sport is basketball, i practice it in the school once a week, and my friends play whit me.

    Fernanda Gutierrez

  6. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:55

    Yes, I'm crazy about sports, no i don't practice any sport but i watch a lot of them, my favorite sport is surfing i think it's terrific, exciting, fantastic and very amazing.

    Valeria Pérez

  7. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:56
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  8. Isidora Munizaga (Wishi) says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:56

    I love sports! but I am very lazy, i practice sports once a week in physical education, also in the past i practice athletics. Although I like snowboarding because is interesting and i love the snow, i never practice.

    Name: Isidora Munizaga Flores
    N°: 21

  9. melanny alvarez says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:56

    yes, i like sport becuse is funny fantastic amazing and dangerous , my favorite sport is skate boarding i practice every week and brother play whit my

    name : vanessa muñoz
    nl : 22

  10. Fernando says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:57
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  11. MarianaCampos says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:57

    I like many sports, but my favorite is the snowboarding,I love it! because is very amazing, interesting and dangerous, I'm practice this sports every day, because my house located in a the colorado sports center.

    Mariana Campos Perez

  12. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:57

    Yes, I like sport is soccer becuse is funny , exosting and exausting , I practice three times a week with friends at school and play on a team called Halcones

    Raul alvarez

  13. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:57

    the sport that i like is volleyball, is very funny and, i practice it once a week. my sport favorite is skating, but i don't practice it any more... is my favorite sport because is my passion.

    Catalina Zapata

  14. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:58

    Yes, i like sports is soccer ,because is funny and entertaining. the practice what all days week and in the school with my friends.

    Name:Bastian R.

  15. Fernando says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:58

    Yes, I like sports.... I practice twice a week. My favorite sport is soccer because is very very interesting and funny

    Vicente Pérez Canelo

  16. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:58

    The sport that I like is swimming, is very amazing, i'm relaxing and I love swim, is my favourite because is in the water, and I enjoy much swim.

    Catalina Godoy Anacona

  17. MarianaCampos says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 10:59

    I like sports, my favorite sports are swimming, surfing and volleyball because are interesting and funny, but i never practice that sports, only physical education in the school.

    Javiera Flores

  18. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:00

    yes, i like sports, because they are so funny. My favorite sports is basketball because it's entertainig but complicated because i'm very very small, i practice once a week.

  19. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:00

    i like sports, i practice basketball because is funny, very difficult ,i play three times a week and watch the NBA games for learn news techniques from game

    Benjamin Zola n

  20. HighSchoolCeb says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:00

    i like sports but i never practice, i wish to practice skiing, because it´s exciting, amazing and interesting.

    Pamela Gomez

  21. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:01

    I like sports and i wish to practice, I practice one in a while, my favorite sports is soccer...

    Sofia Sarria

  22. melanny alvarez says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:01
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  23. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:02

    i like sports, i practice usually, my favorite is hockey i like because is funny, amazing, strong, good for health and keep fit

    yeraldy piñones

  24. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:02
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  25. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:03

    Yes i like sports, my favorite sports is swimming and tennis because its so interesting and funny, i practice swimming and marcial arts four times a week..

    Matias berenguela
    n° list:7

  26. Anónimo Says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:03

    I like sports because is funny and interesting, I practice bascketball because is exausting and amazing, and i practice with my friends.

    Gonzalo Albanez
    N° 2

  27. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:04

    yes, i like sports, because is funny and help me to keep a healthy condition. My favorite sport is basketsball and practice once a week.


  28. Fernando says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:04

    Yes, I like sports in special the soccer because is funny, fascinating and exausting. I Practice soccer sometime, twice a week, at school with my friends.

    Name: Fernando Bravo
    N° : 8

  29. melanny alvarez says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:04

    Yes, i love it is very funny, My favorite sport is the athletic because is exhausting, amazing and interesting i practice once a while and I practice who my friends.

    Name: Melanny Alvarez
    N°List: 4

  30. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:05

    i like sports, i practice usually in the school, i like volleyball, because is funny and good for health.

    solange contreras

  31. melanny alvarez says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:06

    I Love sports because is amusing, amazing,interesting,funny and fantastic my favaorite sport is volleyball. I practice once a week and friends play whit me

    Name: Rocio Ponce
    N° list: 26

  32. HighSchoolCeb says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:06

    i like sports, my favorite sport is rollerskating, because is amusing and can be practice with friends and i usually practice.

    Melissa Rojas

  33. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:06

    Yes i like sport, because are funny interesting, healthy and i enjoy see sports.
    I practice sports twice a week, and my favorite sport is running becouse is easy XD

    Mario Collado

    N° list: 12

  34. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:07
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  35. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:08

    yes, i like sport, because are so exciting. my favorite sport is bungee jumping, because it's so funny and i practice twice a week.

    Gabriela maluenda

  36. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:10

    Yes, i like sport because is funny and interesting. My favorite sport is gymnastics because i help me whith my flexibility. i practice once a week.

    Name: Valentina Araya Leyton
    N°List: 05

  37. HighSchoolCeb says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:10

    yes, i like sports, because is fantastic,my sport i practice five days verry week,my favorite sport is soccer because is extreme and intense, isn't that dangerous.

    francisco Villalobos

  38. Unknown says:
    6 de mayo de 2015, 11:10

    yes, i like sport, because is interesting. my favorite sport is volleyball, because it's so funny and exciting and i practice twice a week.

    Sofia Santander

  39. Unknown says:
    3 de junio de 2015, 11:23

    yes, I like sport is funny, fantastic and amazing. my favorite sport is basketball, i practice it in the school once a week.

    name: Lissette Alfaro Araya

    list number: 2