Being in shape

Sports and physical activity are great to keep in shape and get a healthy condition. Not everyone likes moving or running, maybe you don't have time, perhaps you're too tired, but it is really important.
 Do you like sports? What do you do to keep fit? How often do you work out?
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37 Response to "Being in shape"

  1. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 10:59
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  2. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:00

    Yeah, i like sports. The physical activity that i do is volleyball for keep fit, i do once a week and i really like play it.

    name: catalina zapata
    n° list :33

  3. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:02

    i like sport, i practice parkour because is amazing and funny a do it this sport once a week

    -Sanders Gonzalez
    -N° 18

  4. Fernando says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:04
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  5. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:04

    yes I like sport , the physical activity that I like more is basketball, the practicality one time to week .

    Lissette Alfaro

    n° list: 2

  6. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:06

    i like basketball; i sometimes do abdominal so that's why i dont know that i am fit; i work out once a weekend.

    by: Danya Cid
    number list: 11

  7. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:06

    I dislike sports. For keep me fit, i eat heatlhy, but i rarely practice sports. excipting in ed. physical.

    Gabriela Maluenda

  8. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:07

    The physical activity that I like more is swimming, because when swimming me assist for keep fit, and try to practice each time that can.

    Catalina Godoy Anacona

  9. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:08
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  10. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:08

    I like sport , i practice soccer because it keeps me fit and I enjoy with my friends who practice

    raul alvarez
    n°list 4

  11. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:09

    i like sports, i practice basketball for keep fit, i do once a weekend.

    number list: 28

  12. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:11

    yes, i like sports because they help healthy life , i practice basketball to keep fit and i play three times a week.

    Benjamin Zola

  13. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:11

    I like sports, because i think that is cool. my favorite phisical activity is running.I keep fit because I eat heatlhy food.Sports practice and thwice a week is a shcool.

    Sofía Sarria
    2° medio 2015
    N° list: 31

  14. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:11

    my favorite sports is soccer, because I keep in shape, also because I train every day in cadet.

    Name: Bastian Rodriguez

  15. MarianaCampos says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:12

    yes,I like many sports like a swimming, tennis and soccer,but I dont practice usually,nevertheless I go to the beach to run with a friend, I sometimes go running.

    Mariana Campos Perez

  16. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:12

    Yes I like sport,my favorite sport is basketball and tennis, I practice once a week (thursday).

    Fernanda Gutierrez

  17. Isidora Munizaga (Wishi) says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:12
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  18. Fernando says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:13

    Yes, I like sports in special the football, I exercise the legs and have less stress. I practice this sport once a week because I practice at the school.

    Vicente Pérez

  19. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:13

    Yes, I'm crazy about sports, i do exercise at gym, dance in a academy of ballet, i also practice surfing three times a week, i think is terrific, exciting, amazing, help me keep fit and have a healthy life.

    Valeria Pérez

  20. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:14

    Yes,I like sport, because help physical condition, is funny and exiting .To keep in shape I play voleyball once a week, I dont time for the school and sometimes play.

    Javiera Godoy Rojas

  21. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:15

    Yes i like sports ,and the physical activity that I like more is basketball and soccer, I practise only once the thursdays.

    Melanny Alvarez
    N°list: 4

  22. Isidora Munizaga (Wishi) says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:15

    I love sports! in fact, i practice snowboarding three times a week,it is also very exciting, amusing and i love the snow. Besides i do yoga, dance, parachuting and i ride a bike.

    Isidora Munizaga Flores.
    n°: 21

  23. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:15

    i like sports because is COOL! Hm, the physical activity that more i do is longboard, i do weekend.

    by: Saray Zepeda
    number list: 34

  24. MarianaCampos says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:16

    Yes, I like sports, like volleyball, tennis and swimming,but not practice nothing. I do physical education once a week in the school. I sometimes do exersice.

    Javiera Flores

  25. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:17

    i like sport, and allways practice marcial art and go to the gym with my friend...if i wanted to have more time to practice..

    Matías Berenguela
    n° list: 7

  26. Isidora Munizaga (Wishi) says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:18

    I love sports,because they are so funny and help to get a healthy condition. For keep in shape I seldom play tennis, because i don't have many time. I play tennis once a week in a place near my house.

    Bernardita Bravo
    N° 9

  27. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:18

    Yes, I like sport, because if necessary for ours physical condition. To keep in shape I go to run three time a week, make exercise twice a week.

    Solange Contreras
    n° 13

  28. Anónimo Says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:18

    Of course, but i rarely play basketball in my house and the school,but i don´t have time.

    -Gonzalo Albanez
    N° 1

  29. Fernando says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:19

    Yes i like sport, because is very funny, practice soccer whit my friends twice week at the school.

    Fernando Bravo

  30. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:19

    yes, i like sports, but i rarely practice because don´t have time and i realy loose. I like parachuting, someday y practice it and other extreme sport :D

    Name: Mario Collado
    List N°: 12

  31. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:19

    i like sports and physical activity, i usually do exercise, walking to my house after school and running.

    Pamela Gomez
    N° 17

  32. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:19

    i like sports, because i can get a healthy condition, to keep fit i do exercise in my house and in the school twice a week.

    Melissa rojas

  33. Fernando says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:20

    Yes,I do
    I practice volleball, zumba and go to bicycle one time in the week and also a good foot.

    Name: Rocio Ponce
    N° list: 26

  34. Unknown says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:22

    yes, i love sports. the physical activity. i go to the play hockey for keep fit. i do twice a week and like play it


  35. HighSchoolCeb says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:26

    yes, i like sports,i practice soccer,because it is very intense and i like playing archer, three times a week.

    Francisco Villalobos

  36. Anónimo Says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:31

    Yes, i practise basquetball, dance entertaining and gymnastics one time in the week, because is funny, good and best for a healthy life.

    Name: Valentina Araya Leyton
    N°List: 05

  37. Anónimo Says:
    15 de abril de 2015, 11:31

    i practice sport like soccer ,volleyball , roller skating and skate bording this practice one each day of week, sport is cool because help a have one healthy life ...

    name: vanessa muñoz
    n°l: 22