American or British?

English is a very beautiful language, poems, novels, songs and movies support this idea, but there is a huge trend when talking about English, and a classical question arises, American or British? Which one is better? So let's discuss the idea, Which English do you prefer? Why? Is there any other kind of English that you like?
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40 Response to "American or British?"

  1. HighSchoolCeb says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 3:53

    I prefer the American English because is easier that the British ENglish... I studied the american english in the back. for me is the type of English more useful that other. As well as i like United Estates. Also i like the Irish English because Ireland is a atractive country.

    Name: Vicente Pérez
    N list: 25

  2. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 3:53

    The american english,because is more easy understand

    I prefer the american english, because
    is more simpler.

    I like the english from spain

    Benjamin Zola

  3. HighSchoolCeb says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 3:54

    I prefer the American english, because is more easy, is more global, movies and be used for the work.
    Also the singers i like singing in the american english.
    I like British only by One direction and movies.

    Name: Javiera Godoy
    N°list: 15

  4. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 3:54
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  5. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 3:56

    hi, i like more the british english, because is more easy and her words his enough easy of pronounce.
    also i like the music on One Direction, and they speak in british english.

    Catalina Zapata

  6. Fernando says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 3:58

    I like more the english american because is more renowned, is more international, is less complicated it's pronunciation and accent.
    I don´t like other type of english because be more complicated and less famous.

    Name: Fernando Bravo Muñoz

    N° the list: 8

  7. HighSchoolCeb says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 3:59

    i prefer the british english , because is the lenguage that speak my band favorite one direction . also the irish english because is other lenguage present in the band .

    name : vanessa muñoz
    n°de lista : 39

  8. Isidora Munizaga (Wishi) says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 3:59

    I prefer American English, because is more easy and it might be useful for travel and find a job in other countries. On the other hand i like British English, because my favorite boy band is One Direction and they are British.

    Name: Isidora Munizaga Flores.
    N°: 23.

  9. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:00

    I prefer American english, because is easier usually and similarity more language that talk.
    I like the Australian english, because i love this country.

    Gabriela Maluenda

  10. HighSchoolCeb says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:01

    Bronzamin and Bronzalo is over 9000.

  11. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:01

    I prefer the american english, because is more easy of pronounce.

    I prefer the british english because is the country of my favorites bands.

    I no prefer other kind of english

    Sanders Gonzalez
    n° list 17

  12. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:01

    the english american becouse is easy , have better pronuncation , is but acquaintance , and practise
    i dont like other type the english becouse saund difficult the pronuncation

    raul alvatrez

  13. MarianaCampos says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:01

    my favourite english is the british english, because the accentuation is very cool, above everything the liverpool accentutiation, the words be differents and sophisticated, and not easy, but this english, in the ear,is sounds better that teh american english.
    Other English that like me is the Irelad English, because is very funny,confusing and this cause laugh in me.

    Mariana Campos Pérez

  14. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:01

    i like the british english, because i like that accent.
    also i like england, and the music that i listening is in korean but they sing in english.

    Yeraldy Piñones

  15. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:03

    I prefer American english, because i like pronunciation, is more usually and easier.
    I don't no prefer language only American english, because American english is more similarity language that talk.

    Sofia santander

  16. HighSchoolCeb says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:03

    I prefer the american english because is very easy, funny, interesting and like british english because speak my band boy favorite one direction

    Name: Rocio Ponce
    N° list: 28

  17. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:04
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  18. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:04

    the english that like me is american english, because is more used for people on the world that english british, is most popular and used with professional reasons

  19. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:05

    I like the English american because very beautiful language why his songs, movies and games.
    is more easy understand

    Javier Segovia V

  20. Anónimo Says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:05

    The english that like me is the american english, because is the english more used globally and is more easy from learn.
    Name: Gonzalo Albanez
    N° List: 2

  21. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:06

    I prefer American English, because is more easy understand, is used in the class and is more popular.
    The other english i like is British, because is interesting and cool!
    Name: Bernardita Bravo
    N° List: 9

  22. Isidora Munizaga (Wishi) says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:06

    i prefer American English, because is more important and easy, while the British English it is just used in a little place. the American English it occupies to level global, and all the artist what i like me talk American English.

    Name: Valentina Jazmín Araya Leyton.
    N°List: 05

  23. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:06

    I prefer the American English because i in love with so many artist, music, movies of America, is famous in all around the world, also is more easy use for communicate with differents countrys, cultures and people. I like too the British English because is elegant, sophisticated and England is a atractive country.

    Name: Valeria Pérez
    N°list: 26

  24. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:06

    i prefer American English, because is more easy and arele used a level global,while the british english is more difficult.

    Melissa Rojas

  25. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:06

    I like english american for that is a languaje from the future. what used for more people on the world.

    Matias Berenguela
    N°de lista:7

  26. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:07

    My favorite english is the american, because seem easier and everyone take up,is the classical languaje,and be user for works in different country.
    My preference is english american, no others because is very cool, translate no is complicated and easier understan.

    Name: Saray Zepeda.

  27. Isidora Munizaga (Wishi) says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:07

    I like American English because is but common , have variety from accent and every use for the person , being moreinternational that the British English.

    And not me like other language even the moment.

    nombre: Lissette Alfaro

    n° lista: 3

  28. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:07

    I prefer the american english is more usually for the foreigner that arrive in chile, it that serve for communicate, and socialize with the foreigner, or if I travel a other country.
    NAME: catalina godoy
    N°List: 14

  29. HighSchoolCeb says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:07

    the english american because is renowned and but easy of pronunciation.
    I dont like other type english because is but difficult of pronunciation and other type word.

    n list:29

  30. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:07

    I prefer the American English, because is easy , the words are more simple and the music is very good and not is difficulted. I think that this english is funny and not be difficult.

    Javiera Flores

  31. Unknown says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:07

    My favorite english is the american english because is very common and simply, the british english is more strange.
    Im like not the english in general, prefer the spañish and the japanese.
    Angela Berdun.

  32. HighSchoolCeb says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:10

    I prefer british english , because is easier and stand out with american english.

    belen aguirre
    n° 1

  33. melanny alvarez says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:12

    i like the english american , because is exept confused who the british , on acount of who your lenguaje have more between with the field spanish. I don't like other english because not me flame the attention no other.

    Melanny Alvarez
    N°List: 40

  34. melanny alvarez says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:13

    Like the lenguaje american english,because is then but spoken in diferent persons owing to prep is very easy by learn what el lenguage british

  35. melanny alvarez says:
    12 de noviembre de 2014, 4:13

    i prefer the english british because it's one lenguage more aesy to understand, i like much your accent, other english who likes is english australian because your way to talk i like so much and your accent is a beautiful.

    Nathalie Jopia 19

  36. HighSchoolCeb says:
    27 de noviembre de 2014, 7:06

    I prefer the american english, because is easier, less complicated and more common than british english. Is more used in music and movies.

    Pamela Gómez
    N°list: 16

  37. Unknown says:
    27 de noviembre de 2014, 7:12
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  38. HighSchoolCeb says:
    27 de noviembre de 2014, 7:14

    I prefer the american english, because is more used than the british english. Also my favorites songs are in american english.

    Yamily Mery Espinoza
    N°list: 22

  39. Unknown says:
    27 de noviembre de 2014, 7:22

    I prefer the american english because is more global, more cool and is easier.
    moreover i enjoy travel for el world.


  40. Unknown says:
    27 de noviembre de 2014, 7:47

    I prefer American English because there musics, movies, celebrities very good, also the talk about them is easier and more practical to communicate with the other countries, I like their culture and many more as people.

    Sofia Sarria
    N°list: 33