Good advices

Bullying is a terrible problem for people, specially kids at school. It makes them suffer and destroy their self steem. What good advices would you give to someone who is being bullied?
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34 Response to "Good advices"

  1. HighSchoolCeb says:
    29 de junio de 2014, 18:12

    Must inform their teachers, inspectors and especially their parents what's wrong, tell all, when he started, which is, that they come to justice and everything can be solved correctly and to pay the bully so made.
    Catalina Godoy
    N°List: 14

  2. Unknown says:
    30 de junio de 2014, 17:09

    what you should do is tell your parents or someone older that is happening and resolve it in a good way and that violent child pay for the facts and so no more violence is present somewhere.
    Name: Melissa Rojas Pizarro
    N list: 31

  3. Unknown says:
    30 de junio de 2014, 19:22

    my advice is you have to the problem conversing and adults , tell a person resposible and understand the problem

    raul alvarez
    n°lista 4

  4. Unknown says:
    30 de junio de 2014, 19:38

    My advice is to tell your parents, teachers and authorities. There is nothing to fear because the problem will be resolved and the bully will pay what you owe.

    Vicente Pérez Canelo
    N° list: 25

  5. Unknown says:
    30 de junio de 2014, 19:48

    Personally, I would tell him not to show fear and that proves to be strong and confident, that this situation also made known to his family and a specialist who can help.

    Name: Valentina Jazmín Araya Leyton
    N°List: 05

  6. Unknown says:
    30 de junio de 2014, 19:53

    I would advise you to talk to people close to him, and after talking to his family and to discuss the topic after talking with him, and tell him not to do what you do not like to be kept on.

    Name:Bastian Rodriguez F
    N list:29

  7. melanny alvarez says:
    30 de junio de 2014, 20:47

    I someone that this suffering bullying him diria that has to count to his parents trust in his teacher (a), and tell him what happens, in order that they her could help and intervene, not remain quiet (o) in order that it does not happen to major, in case of us we can approach to speak with the orientadora or with the psychologist.
    Name:Melanny Alvarez

  8. Unknown says:
    1 de julio de 2014, 4:51

    You should tell your parents or older people who can help you with the problem

    N°de lista:17
    Sanders Gonzalez

  9. Unknown says:
    1 de julio de 2014, 4:54

    Triss to solve the problem by talking with your upset because he also has a problem.

    N°de lista:7
    Matias berenguela

  10. HighSchoolCeb says:
    1 de julio de 2014, 14:21

    The advice that would give someone who felt that you suffer bullying, is speak of what happens and seek help to solve your problem

    Javiera Godoy Rojas

  11. Unknown says:
    1 de julio de 2014, 17:44

    should tell an adult teacher, inspector or parents for a good way to solve the problem and stop being intimidated.

    Javiera Flores
    N°lista: 13

  12. Unknown says:
    1 de julio de 2014, 17:54

    You should seek help from your family, friends and teacher, so they can help solve the problem
    Name: Bernardita Bravo
    N° List: 9

  13. Unknown says:
    1 de julio de 2014, 18:46

    My opinion is you should tell someone to confide more in what happens, it is much better to stay constantly tell with fear, also helps to talk to the person doing the bullying talves not going well and this is their method of defense, after all tell or tell someone about your problems help you solve them.

    Valeria Pérez

  14. Unknown says:
    1 de julio de 2014, 18:51

    should not let you keep bothering you, you would have to tell your parents and teachers to help you and solve your problem, but mostly do not stay silent

    name: Lissett Alfaro
    List number 3

  15. Unknown says:
    1 de julio de 2014, 19:21
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  16. Unknown says:
    1 de julio de 2014, 19:21

    you should tell your parents, teacher or someone you trust. Search help professional, speak with the bully and solve things.
    N°list: 11
    Name: Mario Collado

  17. Unknown says:
    1 de julio de 2014, 19:29

    what he or she should do is tell any adult or family member so you can help and this causing this has its consequences

  18. Unknown says:
    1 de julio de 2014, 19:32

    you should have to talk with parents or some friend, someone that you know to help you and not be quiet cause' is worst and makes the bully gets what he wants

    sofia santander

  19. HighSchoolCeb says:
    1 de julio de 2014, 20:05

    If you have a bullying problem is to tell seniors and authority that they can help you, just ask for help and support you will have.
    Gabriela Maluenda
    N°list: 20

  20. MarianaCampos says:
    2 de julio de 2014, 0:59

    I Say That the person who is bullied ought to speak with a teacher or classmate for That you help solve this problem reporting about it.
    for the one who does the bullying is punished and who is to be calm bullied.

    Mariana Campos Perez
    Nª 10

  21. Isidora Munizaga (Wishi) says:
    2 de julio de 2014, 8:33

    The children and adolescents should talk to an adult and thus solve the problembecause the Bullying may damage people physically and emotionally.

    Name: Isidora V. Munizaga Flores.

  22. Unknown says:
    3 de julio de 2014, 13:02
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  23. Unknown says:
    3 de julio de 2014, 13:03

    bulling is inaseptable and affects everyone involved, if you see someone suffering from bulling must immediately notify.
    n° de lista 21
    luis marchant

  24. Unknown says:
    3 de julio de 2014, 13:06
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  25. Unknown says:
    3 de julio de 2014, 13:06

    those people who are victims of bullying would tell them not to keep quiet and count the passing them because they will do bad and should defend themselves and not be swayed or paste or attack physically psychologically and socially

    lissette guerrero

  26. Unknown says:
    3 de julio de 2014, 13:07

    have to tell their parents everything, good and bad, also when a person is psychologically assaulted an ugly damage it does to the victim, so if you're in college informale educational body.

    Sofia Sarria

    N° 33

  27. HighSchoolCeb says:
    3 de julio de 2014, 13:18

    You should tell your parents or someone older than you who can help, because what they are doing is wrong.

    Pamela Gómez
    N°list: 16

  28. Unknown says:
    3 de julio de 2014, 13:25

    first have to inform all his father has to leave not influenced by others and if the deve inform school teachers.

    Deniss Munizaga
    N° 24

  29. Unknown says:
    3 de julio de 2014, 13:43

    I think what you should do in this type of suitaciones is talk to someone you trust or otherwise have to talk to their parents, relatives, teachers, etc. and so the problem would be solved.

    Nathalie Jopia c.

    n° 19

  30. Unknown says:
    3 de julio de 2014, 13:48

    you should talk to your's parents for what give you advice and so solution the problem... talk with you family, teachers or friends about your problem :)

    Catalina Zapata

  31. Fernando says:
    3 de julio de 2014, 17:51

    I would say that the problem dijiera their parents, so that they come to help professionals and so it is not the trauma.

    Fernando Bravo

  32. Anónimo Says:
    3 de julio de 2014, 17:59

    If bullying is a problem, you should mainly inform your school managers or principal, you could also seek help from your parents and your parents, I hope my advice you serve. c:
    Name: Gonzalo Albanez :)
    N° List: 02

  33. Unknown says:
    7 de julio de 2014, 12:24

    The bulling is bad because is traumatic for kids in your infance in the school.

  34. Unknown says:
    7 de julio de 2014, 12:31

    The bulling is very importan that may damage people physically and emotionally advice a adult, teacher
    and justicie

    Name: Rocio Ponce
    N° 28