Famous couples
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There are many famous love couples, some of them are just fiction but others are real life couples. They share love, tenderness, happy and sad moments, they project their love to the future and can't live without each other. For me one of the most beautiful couples is Chris and Annie, they are the main characters in the movie "What dreams may come", he dies and goes to heaven, but Annie's life here on Earth is so sad without her husband that she committed suicide, and of course she goes to hell. Chris's love for her wife is so huge and deep that he goes and finds her wife. At the end they met again and go to heaven, while on Earth her story of love starts again with two little children. A tender love story and of course a lovely couple.
What about you? Who's your favorite couple?
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2 de abril de 2011, 10:22
My favorite famous couple is Marge and Homer Simpson, because have a pretty love story, also are a very happy couple, romantic and very in love. Homer met his first love when he was a child, in a summer camp, and years later him find that this girl was marge, then they met again in the school of springfield, starting there story of love. Nowadays are a happy family, have a three children: Bart, Lisa and Maggie, that together with them, grows more the love and despite all the problems, always reach a reconciliation.
By: Belén Gallardo.
3 de abril de 2011, 8:11
One of my favorite couples is Kovu and Kiara of the movie The Lion King II. His story is like Romeo and Juliet, because his families are enemies.
Kiara knows to Kovu when they was lion cubs and become friends, but Zira (Kovu's Mother) wants revenge of Simba (Kiara's Father), then she trains Kovu to kill Simba.
When Kovu is with Kiara forgets his mission and falls in love with her. His families don't want that they are together, but thanks to the love of Kovu and Kiara it finishes the rancor and hatred between the families.
I like this couple because it teaches that the love triumphs and can destroy any obstacle.
by: Gabi Araya (:
3 de abril de 2011, 10:22
My favorite couple is miley cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, in the movie "the last song, "although in real life than couples in the film shows a very nice and pleasant connection. They show love, affection, understanding, sometimes have arguments or differences as all but resolved and that is what I like about them, they do not care what anyone else about his love only care about their heart.
This is the typical story of a boy her parents want to study at the best university and want the couple to the same level, the good thing is that no final sucede.Al the movie is like a fairy tale with a happy ending .
PD: teacher had to choose this couple because it is the best, just as miley cyrus is my idol.
By: paula gonzález
3 de abril de 2011, 10:23
3 de abril de 2011, 10:39
my favorite famous love couple ; is starring by Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet like, jack dawson and rose dewitt bukater , in the movie "Titanic", because they are very different socially, she was member of a important family (first class of boat)and was forced to marry with cal (billy zane)because Cal was heir to a big fortune ; by this did not prevent to rose and jack fall in love , jack; in the movie, was a poor boy, who with tricks had entered to the boat , and they to known when Rose , it wanted to pull the side of boat to the sea, and jack rescued ; after this ,they begin to live their love in secret
until the boat starts to sink, and protects it until the end
and fall into the sea ; jack dies ...and so, we can see, as she struggles to love to death ....
by, gabriela caroca
3 de abril de 2011, 10:47
I chose the pair from the Little Mermaid and Prince Eric, they met by accident happened to Eric while he was on the boat, and Ariel who saved him from drowning and carried him to shore. Since then Ariel Prince Eric liked. Ariel was a young man who gusba to sing, it was very dreamy and liked to meet their goals, Eric was a very brave and handsome. Both were very adventurous and willing to do anything to be together. I like this couple because they both were willing to be together regardless of all the obstacles encountered in its path.
By: Veronica Ponce.
3 de abril de 2011, 10:56
I think that the most famous, important, and remembered, is the Titanic's couple, Jack and Rose.
They are totaly different people, and they meets in the ship, their love was so big than he died for her, when the Titanic crashed with the iceberg and the ship was sinking, they stayed together untill the end...her was in a piece of wood, and him stayed on the cold water... while the boat was looking for the survivors... he died frozen and sinked at the sea.
By: José Gahona
3 de abril de 2011, 11:44
My favorite couple is Tarzan and jane,because Couple is different from others,because their love was born from a different form in the jungle,where they discover things about each, Tarzan so also learns of civilization, learning from jane.
In the end moment, Jane decides not to return to England for the love of Tarzan, leaving as teaching that love is capable of transcending boundaries.
By: Paulina Azolas
3 de abril de 2011, 12:01
My partner is elected Beauty and the Beast, Disney chose this couple because I find it very interesting and entertaining to the couple at first did not have a good life, Bella thought that was bad and ugly beast, but it was not as well as and vei she thought at first sight, eventually learned that the beast was not really bad and with the passage of time was realizing that it was good and nice feelings and the beast did everything to please Bella Since much interested that she was contented and happy, with time along very well and ended happily in a palace with lots of color and joy. I like this couple as they first did not talk much, he had hate and hate the time it became love is fixed on the feelings of the beast, not the physical, but the beast was under a spell and was as beautiful as Bella was his true love and became the man who truly was. I love this couple is a love so true with much joy and entrencion.
By : Camila Muñoz
3 de abril de 2011, 12:25
My favorite famous couple is Sam Wheat (Patrick Swayze) and Molly Jensen (Demi Moore) of the movie “Ghost” (The shadow of love). This couple sees his happiness truncated when he is murdered by a thief.
The need to save the life of the girl does that it remains in the land in the shape of ghost and tries to warn it of the danger that runs. His average only one of communication is crazy clairvoyant.
It is a very beautiful history because it transcends barriers beyond the life, is an inexplicable and unimaginable love. Is a couple whose love never dies and remains in the hearts of both though he is dead.
by Araceli Santander.
3 de abril de 2011, 15:19
3 de abril de 2011, 15:21
3 de abril de 2011, 15:23
the couple that I like is that of Shrek and Fiona, a love that's so funny because a couple of ogres who fell in love almost as an obligation of Shrek, seeking to recover his swamp, had to rescue the princess who was in a castle and it turned out to be a princess ogre and ended up falling in love, and formed a large family of ogres ... : D (good movie)
by: german sarria
3 de abril de 2011, 16:02
My couple favorite is Jack and Rose, protagonists of the movie Titanic.
I like them because they experienced a very intense, both were faced to have to hide their love, as no one wanted to see them together; she was a upper-class girl,beautiful and educated; while he was a simply guy and without money; but despite all that; they lived their love as one, hidden for all dreaming a future, no one imagined his life if he lacked the other.
Their love ended like no other, he died, but in Rose heart he is more alive than ever; taugth her thing for a woman of her class did not know, taugth him to see life differently , taugth her to love.
Karem Cabello
3 de abril de 2011, 16:06
My favorite famous couple is Orlando Bloom and Diane Kruger as Paris and Helen in the film "Troy".
I love this couple, because have a impressive love story. This romance caused a war that destroyed the trojan empire.
The prince Paris and his brother Hector negociate the peace between Troy and Sparta, but Paris falling in love of Helen, the king Melenau`s wife. She scape with the trojans brothers, but this act provokes the fury of Melenau and the famous war.
I like this couple also because goes against the established and fights for his freedom.
By Ailyn Diaz
3 de abril de 2011, 16:18
My favorite famous couple is cosmo and wanda the fairly odd parents!, because have a pretty funny relation,they have a magic wand.Cosmo is pretty crazy unlike of wanda that is serius, but are a beautiful couple.They are of the magic world a place where live all the firly odd parents of the spoiled children of the planet earth.Also are good people when his nephew this in problems.They are a famous couple of cartoons that fun to many childrens that are adictts to cartoons.
by:jose figueroa :D
3 de abril de 2011, 17:10
My favorite celebrity couple is Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber, because I love Selena Gomez and Justin I don't like, but some of their songs if I like.
They are the couple of moment for young people that are their fans.
Sofía Godoy Varas
3 de abril de 2011, 17:11
My favorite couple is Edward Cullen and Bella Swan from the Twilight saga. This is the perfect partner are to each other, but there is one obstacle that prevents them from being together, this is that Edward is a vampire and Bella is human. Despite this they are fighting for their forbidden love and ultimately stay together. This story taught me that in life one has to fight for love even when everyone is against you, regardless. Also because I like the theme of vampires, this story is the best =)
By: Vanessa Cabrera
Pd: teacher, what counts is the video, not music. thanks.
3 de abril de 2011, 17:23
my favorite famous couple is undoubtedly Allie and Noah, from The Notebook, a movie based on nicholas spark's best seller. the story is about two guys, allie from a rich family, and noah from a humble family, thats fall in love, but her family doesn't wan't them together. regardless, ultimately they manage to remain together, but, on the last part of the movie, we can see an older noah reading a notebook, where he wrote them story, cause allie had alzheimer and forgot what they spent together :c
you can see the full movie on this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcyTf5_e_Ds
and cry :'D whit this beautiful story
By: Clau Carvajal ♥
3 de abril de 2011, 17:29
my favorite famous couple is robert pattinson and kristen stewart, because are a very young couple, both love and know to be very simple.
the deep love with her eyes and she is delicate.
are the most famous couples,made the most romantic movie twilight,I like also because they are a romantic couple as the one for the other,
They are very simple even though they are famous.
by: michelle cuello =p
3 de abril de 2011, 17:48
3 de abril de 2011, 17:50
My favorite couple is Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony are a couple who complemented each other.
Marc sings very cute and Jennifer Lopez also sings very very cute. They met in 2004, married very soon since they met. Marc Anthony has two children outside his marriage to Jennifer: Arianna, from his first marriage and Marc Christian, son of Deyan Torres.
They are a couple that seems to just love and not draw attention to bad situations. Hope you have a very nice family together.
By: Gaby Ignacia Riquelme
3 de abril de 2011, 18:23
One of my favorite couples is Jamie and Landon from the movie "Walk to Remember." His story is the principle that Landon never thought he could fall in love with Jamie she was a conservative and serious girl instead of it being a messy kid who excelled at school and disturb those who were not like him with his gang, but Ladon after inadvertently falls in love with Jamie and removed from his gang, spent a few months and this relationship was strengthened and they fell in love but by a twist of fate Jamie Landon was diagnosed with leukemia and makes it possible for the last months of life of his beloved were the most beautiful and unforgettable, over the months Jaime dies.
I love this couple because despite initially not wanting a person love comes when you least expect, and when it is possible to live still and despite the illness of a person when they really love is along with the person forever until God decides to take.
3 de abril de 2011, 19:06
the history of love between leonardo dicaprio and kate winslet, both as jack dawson and rose dewitt bukater respectively in the movie "titanic". It's a movie full of love and aventures, about two people of different social classes that fell in love during the trip. They are decided to go against everything to be together, such as rose's family despising jack, but they don't care, they only care about being together... Until the ship sinks in those cold waters, with jack still inside the ship, he won't make it, but rose will remember him forever
I love this movie beacause it's the most beautiful love history ever, i can see it time after time, of course, the ending is very sad, but still, it's my favorite love history
by: Iganacia Araus alverez :D
3 de abril de 2011, 19:34
My favorite couple is Troy and Gabriella in the movie high school musical,I like it because it is a real and sincere love and united by music.
this is a story that begins in the new year, at a party get their turn to sing karaoke together, then start school and a surprise for her transfer it to the Finnish school years and do a musical in which they are players and the music is what unites them gradually as a couple
By: Jose Galleguillos!
4 de abril de 2011, 18:09
My favorite couple is Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, is a love born in the filming of ‘’Mr. and Mrs. Smith’’ in Hollywood, while Brad was married to Jennifer Aniston, he fell in love of Angelina and she began to feel the same feeling in the set.
They are together since 2005 and have formed a beautiful love story, with three adopted children, biological daughter and two twins. Besides being very close and love, I think they complement each other, are very generous always participating in humanitarian works, make a very cute couple, besides being a prototype of global beauty and show your love to everyone no matter what they will say.
By: Domynyk Brown :)
5 de abril de 2011, 16:26
my favorite couple is Sam Witwicki and Mikaela Banes, protagonists of the movie "Transformers", because both are very extreme, adventurous, and stylish, also make a great couple because mikaela is very sexy, beautiful and loves cars, and sam is a loser who has few friends, and that makes them a couple very balanced, I also like this couple because the two are not afraid of anything, because they love each other.
5 de abril de 2011, 16:27
el de arriba soy yo
sebastian castellon
13 de abril de 2011, 18:48
My favorite pair is Edwuar Cullen and Bella Swan of the saga Twilight.
They are the pair mas in love that I have seen because in spite of all the obstacles that one has presented them since he is a vampire and human she exists the risk towards Beautiful but the love of them is so big that they overcome everything and ultimately they remain united.
This one pairs teaches us that it is necessary to fight for the love of his life and that nothing is impossible.
By: Barbara Garry
21 de abril de 2011, 10:04
21 de abril de 2011, 10:04
21 de abril de 2011, 10:06
21 de abril de 2011, 10:07
21 de abril de 2011, 10:12
my favorite famous couple is the love of "Jack" and "Rose " (Titanic).
is a very beautiful love story that everyone knows.
this is a man (Jack) earned a ticket to a big cruise ship that is about to leave.
on this journey he meets a girl of high social class and living with her great adventures and the enmity of his mother and friends rose.
I like it because it is a couple with a great love of different social classes and Jack ends up giving his life for it
Francisco Fajardo
21 de abril de 2011, 10:15
My favorite couple is Cristian Sanchez and Diana Bolocco. I like it because they love and have been consolidated in the world of fame.Are a couple fun , interesting, talented and very good people.and finally look a lot like my parents in the form of love.
By: triizho
patricio caro.
24 de abril de 2011, 14:42
24 de abril de 2011, 14:46
my favorite celebrity couple is carolina and benjamin vicuña and are the perfect couple, where the two met and fell in love in Argentina, the two are very cute and it's like watching a princess and her prince in a fairy tale that form a nice family, very glamorous and important of ours country in especial of the celebrity.
by ana alvarez
7 de mayo de 2011, 15:13
my favorite movie is TROY.
It`s a epic movie, it take place in the old Greek wars.
Orlando Bloom and Brad Pitt is in it.
It`s about the war between Troy ans the Helenics.
In the end Troy loses thw war, and Achiles, the protagonist deads.