The worst disaster

Natural disasters are terrible and unpredictable, we must fear the unleashed power of nature and be prepared for an emergency. We can see very closely how nature has hit our country, the earthquake in Valdivia changed the topography of Chile, and now the force of a volcano is making thousands suffer.
Which is the disaster you fear the most? A tsunami, an earthquake, a volcano eruption or any other?
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21 Response to "The worst disaster"

  1. Romina says:
    21 de mayo de 2008, 15:56

    A the natural disasters that more afraid are Tsunami, because once when I was smaller, almost drown me, this situation I marked, and I don’t like the beach. Sometimes I have dream with Tsunami here in La Serena, I afraid lose loved people for me, my family, my friends.

    By: Romina Díaz

  2. HighSchoolCeb says:
    23 de mayo de 2008, 19:11

    I to worry to the tsunami, because this are very strong, can to distroy the place.
    too to worry much the sea and can`t to breathe.
    I feel fear for lose to my family or looking dead of form drastic, because they always i support my and i don´t like that his suffering.



  3. german says:
    24 de mayo de 2008, 16:21

    the worst disasters is the earthquakes because death people, generating tension, destroyed house,economic loss, uffering, andslide,panic,destruction,illness,also never himself know when happen one

  4. Unknown says:
    25 de mayo de 2008, 16:01

    The earthquake are movements that occur by the clash of tectonic plates and the release of energy.
    This disaster is one that gives me more scared because this are unpredictable,
    I don`t know of all that level will be and that consequence will make .
    The earthquake Provoke to me panic , fear , worry , because I don ‘ t know where be my family and if the place in which be is secure .

    by tamara pasten

    el 7 =)

  5. Diego says:
    25 de mayo de 2008, 18:41

    The natural disaster that I have more fear they are the tsunamis because destroys everything, kills many people and leaves them without home, thankfully here in chile thes not happen...

  6. HighSchoolCeb says:
    26 de mayo de 2008, 10:01

    one for the natural disasters that more fear they are the tsunamis for that producing dead and destruction i think that are the worst.

    by italo

  7. sofii says:
    26 de mayo de 2008, 15:17

    Natural Disaster that affects our country nowadays is the “Chaiten Volcano”, these volcanos that affect to village and did disaster in many houses, and to provoke the death of many animals of the zone, because this don’t have food and the water is contaminated.
    Too the “White River” to flood many houses of the Chaiten city.
    The eruptions of any volcano or any natural disaster provoke many disasters in all places of the world, earthquakes and very fear and anguish in the people in general, the panic in the person is very typical in these cases.

    By. Paula Cortes

  8. _.:CoNI:._ says:
    26 de mayo de 2008, 16:30

    The natural disaster that more afraid are the hurricanes because one can not escape them, becouse dont have
    fixed address. Besides becouse the hurricanes destroying villages, towns and killed many people.

    by: ..:ConsTanzA:..

  9. .......:pilita:....... says:
    26 de mayo de 2008, 17:32

    the disasters that most fear is tsunami because never lived one and provoke uncertainty due a that no know how reat, in change with earthquakes know that make.Besides forever fear the water because no accustomed a go a the beach,and when go my pass something.

    By:Camila Ortiz....

  10. vive bien says:
    26 de mayo de 2008, 17:41

    theacher hice mi mejor esfuerzo
    The Natural disasters when to me have fear to tsunami because when I girl , I suffer an accident in a reservoir of water and for that reason I suffer of nightmares always and I have the sensation of fear when there is much water .and for that my fear to the tsunamis.

  11. Anónimo Says:
    26 de mayo de 2008, 17:56

    . .The natural disasters more bad is the earthquakes because is very terrible and have situation very painful... kill to millions of person us to parent, sisters, brither, uncles, friends, etc. Besides forget is very difficult, are moment sad. People with homes destroys.

    .BY: Tatiana Arcos Vega.

  12. HighSchoolCeb says:
    26 de mayo de 2008, 18:08

    The tsunami is a natural disaster that is characterize for flood all the territory near to the sea, cause destruction of houses, buildings and of course, human lifes. I think that the person should feel a lot despair when all is flood, when all is lost. I like the sea but I respect it, besides I think that the worst form of die is drowned, for this the natural disaster that I have more fear is the tsunami.

    By: Tamara Villalobos. :p

  13. HighSchoolCeb says:
    26 de mayo de 2008, 18:25

    The worst disaster that more fear I have is the outbreak of a volcan, because this incident provoke various
    disaster as earthquakes, rain, inundation, homeless, dead, destruction etc. By the person more them affect in that they have crisis of panic, solitariness, desperation,etc.

    By: Renee Cárdenas S.

  14. Aldo Dagakoes says:
    26 de mayo de 2008, 18:49

    The natural disaster I fear most are earthquakes because the land you step moves from one side to another and it can cracks, and the buildings can fall apart, and also a Tsunamy can attack the place i live after the tremors.

    By: Aldo

  15. Live Musiic says:
    26 de mayo de 2008, 20:13

    The tsunami is the desasters natural more afraid, because caused much destruction, economic loss, destroyed and cause to earthquakes.

    By: Maxii Alfaro :)

  16. .:Shela:. says:
    30 de mayo de 2008, 14:46

    The natural disasters wich I have fear is to the floods, as is happening in part of Santiago and in the south, the people stay without their houses neitheir personal thinghs because it`s all full with wather, the light turn off, and the drinkable wather also gone, the people loose their harvest and the prices start to go up.
    By: Maria Graciela

  17. .:Shela:. says:
    30 de mayo de 2008, 14:47

    The natural disasters that I`m fear, are the Earthquakes because in just secons we can loose thing that coust years can have, like the houses. Also die alot of people and is so hard to get back.
    By: Paula Yañez

  18. juaanca says:
    5 de junio de 2008, 10:38

    the worst natural disaster is the tsunami 'cos it destroy a compltely city, it cause many diseases by the Moisture, tsunami have many aspects apart of the lost material.There are thousands of deaths caused by the wave, and what it brings in after.

    By Juan Carlos

  19. ...:alonso:... says:
    24 de junio de 2008, 18:06

    natural disasters are very destructive to the whole world especially because tsumani sweep with what this in its path and also do much harm to people.

    by:alonso olivares

  20. ivan says:
    24 de junio de 2008, 18:21

    the natural disasters more te afraid is the tsunami because is something Uncontrollable and Unpredictable

  21. Xires says:
    24 de junio de 2008, 19:13

    The natural disaster that more afraid are Tsunami , because most family no have house and food and tsuname are strong , dead people and lost family and economic loss .

    by seba
