The best inventions

There's a lot of useful and attractive inventions, but just some of them are really important. For me computers, electricity, cars, scanners among others are the most important ones, they have made our lives easier, but the most important one is the wheel, without it many things couldn't have been created.

Well, how about your opinion?
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25 Response to "The best inventions"

  1. HighSchoolCeb says:
    7 de agosto de 2010, 15:41

    For me the car are the most important ones because the transport system is essential for the functioning of the world and today's economy. It was invented in 1886 by Karl Benz.

    The first long trip in a car was made by Bertha Benz in 1888, going from Mannheim to Pforzheim, cities separated by about 105 km. a car of this age had the maximum speed about 20 km / h, spent far more fuel than a vehicle now spends the same speed and the petrol was bought in pharmacies, where it was not available in large quantities, so for me the car is the most important invention.

    Camila Ortiz H.
    N: 24

  2. AnalíaRocio says:
    7 de agosto de 2010, 21:53
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  3. AnalíaRocio says:
    7 de agosto de 2010, 21:54
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  4. primaryschoolceb says:
    7 de agosto de 2010, 21:56

    For me the computer are the most important ones because we can entertain, do homework, study and communicate, thanks technology as well.
    The computer also can use it for adults and children, and is easy to handle.

    Analia Valencia Castro ♥
    1° Medio

  5. maria teresa says:
    8 de agosto de 2010, 7:58

    for me the best invention is the internet could deliver information faster, communicate very fast and technology

    Maximiliano Dubó

  6. Unknown says:
    8 de agosto de 2010, 12:36

    I think the best invention in the world is the internet because we use everyday for everything, you cant use that for funny, search information, whatever.
    The fire are important too but the internet is the best for everyone (specially for the teenagers)

    Catalina Muñoz

  7. HighSchoolCeb says:
    8 de agosto de 2010, 16:04

    I think the best invention has been the internet as this is occupied by many people and facilitated the work of people more entertainment for adults and teens.

    Geraldine Rojas Muñoz :D!!

  8. Sergio says:
    8 de agosto de 2010, 16:34

    The cellular is a of the media of communation more seful that is to invention in the last time to measure that will passing the time will evolving this technology.
    Also cirva for communicate I cases of emergency or in any situation.

    Sergio Hurtado

  9. primaryschoolceb says:
    8 de agosto de 2010, 17:15

    the greatest invention for me is the internet because people can communicate easier and faster, you can also extract information and entertainment

    daniela gonzalez
    1º medio
    nº: 15

  10. HighSchoolCeb says:
    8 de agosto de 2010, 19:25

    For me the most important invention is the Electricity Because most technology powered by electricity. imagine life without electricity, without cars because the ignition system is through electricity, no light, no running water because the pumps operating They carry electricity, no fresh food because all the refrigerators of diesel even need electricity, no phones without clothes, glasses, shoes, etc. is all done with electric machines, this means that not only gives comfort but is a fundamental part of modern life.

    Genesis Pasten B.

  11. HighSchoolCeb says:
    8 de agosto de 2010, 20:05

    I think the most important invention is the telephone as a means of communication it allows communication between people and so they can have notices about they family, friends or others that can not visit.

    Catalina Cuellar Araya
    N° lista: 10
    1 Medio

  12. Unknown says:
    8 de agosto de 2010, 20:15

    for me the most important invention in technology is the internet and phone and thanks to it we can communicate at a distance and know many things besides what can occupy children, adults and elderly. As the internet also serves to give information quickly and easily investigate.

    Nataly Carvajal
    1º medio

  13. Unknown says:
    9 de agosto de 2010, 15:09

    I think the best invention in the world is the internet because we use everyday to communicate from one place to another with people from other places.

    Gabriela San Roman ♥
    nº : 38

  14. yanina says:
    9 de agosto de 2010, 16:35

    I believe that the best invention and but the important one is the telephone, because it is massive mass media and one of but the important ones, since without serious but the difficult one to communicate to us with different people of the world or our proximity right away

    Yanina Cortes :L

  15. maria fernanda says:
    9 de agosto de 2010, 16:36

    The invention more important to me is the internet, because it is a massive and global which allows all the world to communicate to the minimum of time also allows review and make a series of activities which allows for personal development and employment of different people .
    Also now there are several inventions that allow us to be communicated through the internet and cell phone for instance.
    But the Internet is the greatest technological resources that the human being created, the Internet can also find various things such as television, phones, has universities, etc.
    Internet is also very easy to have it because nowadays it is not as expensive or difficult to obtain.
    But the Internet also seeing it from the historical point of view is the greatest invention in history, as it did in the industrial revoluvcion.
    By: Maria Fernanda Santander Bustos

  16. maria fernanda says:
    9 de agosto de 2010, 17:09

    I think the most important invention that has been created is electricity, since I always use it for such activities, sometimes without realizing we are using electricity.
    By: Pia Rabuco

  17. Unknown says:
    9 de agosto de 2010, 18:00

    Okay, I think the best invention in history are the dishes diposable, because they do not wash them:) which is an energy saving and ecological. It is comfortable and can spend more time with family and enjoy a break. For women it is more comfortable because they did not "ruin their hands" and men do not bother to wash them and then save. In short, is the best invention. (Although not commonly used)

    Margarita Lopez // Maghii :)

  18. pedron says:
    9 de agosto de 2010, 18:02

    For my radio it is the invention mas important for that thanks to the radio we can communicate. In case of any emergency it is of great help.

    Barbara Avaloscom

  19. HighSchoolCeb says:
    10 de agosto de 2010, 13:57

    For me the most important invention are the books, because are a great source of wisdom; and no only are for ¨nerds¨, as all learn of them. There of all the types, like novels, of research, adventures, study (encyclopedias), etc. Maybe much things there will changed, but the books always will be there and will be our faithful friend.
    note: the first book was made in year 868, in China.

    carolina segovia

    n°: 32

  20. HighSchoolCeb says:
    10 de agosto de 2010, 14:04

    I think that best invention is the radio, because thanks to her we learned of all hapen in the world, and will we can listen music. The inventor of the radio is Guillermo Marconi.

    Stefany Scarlet Carrasco

  21. HighSchoolCeb says:
    10 de agosto de 2010, 14:13

    The invention more important to me is the plane, because it serves to transport to different parts of the world.

    Fernanda Rojas

  22. HighSchoolCeb says:
    10 de agosto de 2010, 14:37

    for me the best invention is the electricity because thanks her we can do every thing that we want as watch Tv, listen music, using the computer, etc. Tales de Mileto was the first to observe the electrical phenomena.

  23. HighSchoolCeb says:
    10 de agosto de 2010, 14:38

    el de arriba es de catalina jara :)
    n°: 19

  24. yanina says:
    10 de agosto de 2010, 17:45

    My invention mas important is the electricity since without her not habrian other products and without the electricity not abria ningun electronic product and not favoreceria to the human being.

    Camila Alvarado

  25. Unknown says:
    12 de agosto de 2010, 9:15

    well I think the best invention is the telephone number as it is a communication medium and very abundant in this day and thanks to technology have created many solutions such as the telephone number and other phones.
    this has been a very important invention because thanks to it we can communicate from one world to another, which also can communicate over long distances.

    By: KarlaaGalleguillos ♥